Skip Bins for Electrical Waste Removal
Electrical waste, or E-waste, is any waste which has an electrical component to it.
So, things like televisions, computer monitors, mobile phones, batteries, vapes – you get the picture.
This type of waste is quite tricky to process because it contains a number of potentially flammable or harmful chemicals and parts.
When it comes to skip bins, E-waste can pose a very real risk. Certain types of E-waste can, for example, spontaneously combust.
This is particularly risky with batteries, which are the cause of many spot fires in waste recycling depots and also within bins and skip bins.
If you have electrical waste to dispose of, the best solution is usually recycling. Many types of E-waste are recyclable and most Australian councils have specialist recycling centres for this.
One of the biggest issues currently faced by the waste disposal industry is E-waste. The fact that technology now develops and changes very quickly, means that phones, televisions, laptops etc soon become obsolete and are scrapped.
This is creating a mountain of E-waste – primarily made of plastics plus toxic metals and flammable materials.
Can I Put E-waste In a Skip Bin?
Not usually, but it is sometimes acceptable to add one or two smaller electronic items to a general or mixed waste skip bin, however, if you’re unsure please get in touch with us for more information.
Do not add e-waste to a skip bin without first checking that it is acceptable.
The problem with adding E-waste to skip bins is that once they reach the sorting depot, the E-waste must be removed by hand and then stored safely.
Not all facilities have this capability, so for safety, please check first before adding any type of E-waste to your skip bin.

What Is E-waste?
As mentioned previously, E-waste is anything electronic in nature such as:
- Old CRT tube televisions
- LCD, OLED and plasma televisions
- LCD monitors
- Smart displays
- Tablets
- Laptops
- OLED desktop monitors
- VCRs
- Portable DVD players
- Mobile phones
- Radios
- Vapes
E-waste can build-up with surprising speed, especially for businesses. If you find yourself struggling to dispose of a larger amount of E-waste, contact your local council to learn more about what strategies they have in place to support the safe removal and recycling of E-waste.
Here at Best Price Skip Bins we are dedicated to improving Australia’s waste and recycling statistics.
We work hard to ensure that a large proportion of the waste which we collect is recycled. Together, we can work towards a brighter future and the safety of our resources for future generations.

Book a Skip
For smaller amounts of E-waste, please get in touch with the team at Best Price Skip Bins ask about disposing of E-waste in your skip bin.
Skip bin hire is ideal for DIY projects, building projects, renovations and house moves. Here at Best Price Skip Bins, we supply skip bins in a very wide variety of sizes and for most waste types.
If you need to book skip bin hire for other waste types, get a Free Quote on your Skip Bin, enter your postcode and follow the instructions or give us a call on 1300 791 132 to make the right choice for your skip bin hire.