Skip Bins For Clean Fill Removal
Clean fill is composed of materials that are easy to recycle and repurpose and it does not need to be disposed of in landfill.
Clean fill is usually made up of dirt/soil, concrete, gravel, brick, topsoil and sand.
It’s most often produced during landscaping, building and demolition projects.
Here at Best Price Skip Bins, you can order a soil/dirt skip bin to get rid of your excess clean fill. Clean fill can also be placed in a mixed waste bin with other rubbish.
Whether you’re a builder or a homeowner perhaps undergoing some remodelling on your home or garden, a skip bin offers the perfect support for your project.
Recycling Clean Fill
Responsibly disposing of clean fill is vital if we’re to make a difference in the way we manage recycling. Keeping waste out of landfill is very important, so if your project is producing a large amount of clean fill, then a skip bin could be the best way for you to ensure it’s dealt with in an eco-friendly fashion.

What Cannot Go Into a Clean Fill Load?
There are various, commonly found materials and substances which can, if care is not taken, sneak into clean fill loads.
These materials and substances will render the load useless and contaminate it. This means the load cannot be recycled.
The items include but are not limited to the following:
- Metal
- Glass
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Fibreglass
- Asbestos
- Household waste
- Hazardous materials and chemicals
- Consumer items such as E-waste and rubber or plastic
As Australia attempts to move away from the use of landfill sites, many are closing. Their closure means that a lot of repair work needs to be done to the land where they were once sited.
Currently there is a big demand for clean fill and clean building and demolition materials to be used in the rehabilitation of landfills. The clean fill is used to plug huge holes in the landscape.
Because it’s “clean”, there will be no damage to local eco-systems or wildlife.
Another use for clean fill is in paving and roads as well as in the construction of new houses.
Because a lot of houses are demolished yearly in Australia, a lot of clean fill is produced. Re-using that clean fill is vital if we are to improve our waste management record.

Book a Skip
If you need a skip bin to help you manage clean fill, please don’t hesitate to contact our team about our premium removal options with next day delivery available.
For a Free Quote on your Skip Bin, enter your postcode and follow the instructions or give us a call on 1300 791 132 to make the right choice for your skip bin hire.