Green Waste Removal and How to Reduce Garden Mess

Green waste and tips on reducing yours!

Having a decently sized garden is wonderful but the mess and waste produced is not so great! Green waste removal can be a problem for many people.

Many homeowners despair at the piles of crusty green waste their beloved gardens produce, especially at certain times of the year! Maintenance is necessary but the struggle to dispose of the waste is ongoing!

Do skip companies get rid of green waste?

If you’ve been searching for ways to deal with the mess in your garden, the first thing you need to do to get in control, is to look at ways of reducing the waste. Many people ask the question “Do skip hire companies take green rubbish?” and the answer to that is yes!

flowers growing in a wheel barrow
Gardening is fun but creates a lot of mess!

This makes getting rid of green waste much easier…but there are other things you can do to really get in control of the green waste in your garden.

Here are our top 5 tips to help you produce less garden waste this year!

  • Consider a smaller lawn: We know many people love their lawns but there’s no need for a huge expanse of green grass in reality. You can make the lawn smaller by adding more walkways and even growing native grasses in clumps. This can add interest and has an added bonus in that it will require a lot less water in addition to creating a lot less waste!
  • Maintenance-little and often: This might seem a bit obvious but it’s something not all homeowners do in reality. If you weed on a very regular basis, you will find that your green waste bin from the council is enough to deal with the mess. If you regularly leave things to get out of control then you will find yourself in charge of a forest of weeds before you know it.

Don’t forget to compost and grow native plants

  • Compost: It’s easy to maintain a compost pile once you get going and many local councils offer reduced prices on composting bins. Whether you choose a bin or a pile, once you get started, you’ll see how easy it is to produce your own nutritious compost to improve your garden.
  • Ditch the non-natives: We know you love your roses and you certainly shouldn’t feel that you have to get rid of all non-native plants, but certainly, planting succulents and other natives can vastly reduce your waste and your workload.
  • Hire a green skip bin: Sometimes the best way forward is to have a good clear out. If you’ve already got a tonne of waste and need it gone, then don’t waste any more time but order a green waste bin today. Green waste removal Adelaide is a speedy and reliable service which won’t break the bank.

If you’d like any more information on green waste skips Adelaide, get in touch and the friendly staff at Best Price Skip Bins will be more than happy to advise you.